Your problem with NONMEM is that you don’t grok NM-TRAN

By Viktor Rognås in Pharmacometrics

October 31, 2022

When you first sit down with NONMEM1, it can appear considerably arcane. The “Zen” of NONMEM is that you’re speaking a language called NM-TRAN2; and you need to grok3 NM-TRAN.

When you are writing a “model” in NONMEM, you are writing it in the language of NM-TRAN. The document you are writing in is a text file called a control stream, control file, or model file; it tells NONMEM what to do. By convention this text file has the file extension .mod or .ctl. The NM-TRAN document is built up from different “chapters” that all start with the $ sign (eg $ESTIMATION), these “chapters” are called control records (see all control record listed below!).

Within some control records4 you can write so called abbreviated code. Within these control records, you can either assign a value to a variable (variable = value), or use IF, THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF, ENDIF, DO WHILE, ENDDO, CALL, WRITE, PRINT, RETURN, OPEN, CLOSE, REWIND.

There are a couple ways to write a model in NM-TRAN. One option is to use templates of common models, from the built-in NONMEM library called PREDPP (speficied in the $SUBROUTINES control record using different ADVANs). Although, the templates are not needed since it is possible to write the model “from scratch”.
Writing a model from scratch can be done in two ways:

  • Using $DES (“Differential Equation System”)
    • Generally when you are using compartments
    • Differential equations
    • “Numerical” solution
  • Using $PRED (“PREDiction”)
    • Generally when you are not using compartments (eg for some categorical data models)
    • Algebraic equations
    • “Closed form” or “analytical” solution

Some models can be written using both of these approaches with identical results.

A model normally contain the following control records, in the following order:


then, either



$ERROR (the name is totally misleading. Rather think of it as $RESULT)



As can be seen in the $PRED example below, the $PK/$DES/$ERROR records are all replaced by $PRED.

A very simple example of a $DES control stream:

$PROB One Compartment Bolus, Volume and Clearance
$DATA data.csv
  conc = DV
  V  = THETA(1) * EXP(ETA(1)) ; volume
  CL = THETA(2) * EXP(ETA(2)) ; clearance
  K  = CL / V
  DADT(1) = -A(1) * K
  Y = A(1) / V * (1 + EPS(1))

A very simple example of a $PRED control stream:

$PROB One Compartment Bolus, Volume and Clearance
$DATA data.csv
  conc = DV
  V  = THETA(1) * EXP(ETA(1)) ; volume
  CL = THETA(2) * EXP(ETA(2)) ; clearance
  C  = 1 / V ; Coefficient, calculated from the volume term
  L  = CL / V
  Y  = DOSE * C * EXP(-L * TIME) * (1 + EPS(1))

Alphabetic list of Control Records

Provides instructions about abbreviated code

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the AES routine

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the AES routine

Sets starting diagonal Omega values to facilitate EM search methods

Define data values used by $PK, $DES, and $AES

Supplies initial estimates for an entire problem

Defines values for certain user-supplied routines

Instructions for NONMEM Covariance Step

Describes the NM-TRAN data set

Specifies certain defaults for NONMEM

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the DES routine

Instructions for Clinical Trial Design Evaluation and Optimization

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the ERROR routine

Instructions for the NONMEM Estimation Step

Specifies Initial Values for Etas or Phis

Specifies significant digits for the NONMEM report file

Defines values for the PRED/PREDPP INDXS array

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the INFN routine

Defines the data item types in the data set

Specifies Nested Random Levels Above Subject ID

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the MIX routine

Specifies the MODEL subroutine of PREDPP

Gives the name of an input Model Specification File

Instructions for the NONMEM Nonparametric Step

Specifies LKJ decorrelation degrees of freedom for each OMEGA block

Supplies initial estimates for the NONMEM OMEGA Matrix

$OMEGAP, $OMEGAPD Gives prior information for omegas

Defines data item types to be excluded from template matching when raw data averages are computed

Specifies the weighting to the standard deviations of OMEGA

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the PK Routine

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the PRED routine

Provides instructions for the PRIOR subroutine

Identifies the start of a NONMEM Problem Specification

Inputting Variance-Covariance information from another problem

Requests that NONMEM generate one or more scatterplots

Supplies initial estimates for the NONMEM SIGMA Matrix

Gives prior information for sigmas

Instructions for the NONMEM Simulation Step

Array sizes for NONMEM and PREDPP

Specifies LKJ decorrelation degrees of freedom for each SIGMA block

Lists certain subroutine choices for the NONMEM Executable

Identifies the start of a NONMEM Superproblem

Specifies the weighting to the standard deviations of SIGMA

Requests that NONMEM generate a table

Gives initial estimates and bounds for thetas

Gives Instructions for Transforming Initial Thetas

Gives prior information for thetas

Gives Instructions for Transforming Final Thetas

Marks the beginning of abbreviated code for the TOL routine

Specifies t-distribution degrees of freedom for theta

Control Display of NM-TRAN Warning, Data Warning and Data Error messages

Possible NM-TRAN control records with PRED


Possible NM-TRAN control records with PPRED


  1. NONlinear Mixed Effects Modeling↩︎

  2. NONMEM translator↩︎

  3. To grok something is “to understand intuitively or by empathy, to establish rapport with” and “to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment”.↩︎


Posted on:
October 31, 2022
5 minute read, 1049 words
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