Scientific Work 📚
- Population pharmacokinetics of colistin and the relation to survival in critically ill patients infected with colistin susceptible and carbapenem-resistant bacteria
- Colistin Resistance Development Following Colistin-Meropenem Combination Therapy Versus Colistin Monotherapy in Patients With Infections Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Organisms
- An integrated semi-mechanistic model to predict the outcome of drug-target effects on the erythropoietic system
- Evaluation of IRT-derived disease severity as a predictor of clinical success in critically ill patients with severe antibiotic resistant infections
- Turn-over model characterizing effect of colistin on serum-creatinine in critically ill patients
- Bounded Integer approach to model time-varying SOFA scores from patients with carbapenem resistant infections
Software Projects 📝
- vscode-nmtran: Extending Visual Studio Code with NMTRAN (NONMEM) language support
- vmisc: A handy toolbox of custom R-functions, crafted over the years
- MPAcolors: ggplot2-compatible functions for colors used by the Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA)
Contributions 🤝
- PharmPy: Pioneering tools and libraries for the pharmacometrics community